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Springfree Trampoline Medium Oval


Jumping on a trampoline has become a very popular activity in gardens across the world. The Springfree Medium Oval Trampoline features an innovative safety design that changes the traditional trampoline completely. With flexible fibreglass rods instead of metal springs and a frame that has been moved under the jumping surface out of harm’s way, it was designed to eliminate 90 per cent of product related injuries associated with traditional trampolines. The hard edges typically associated with injuries have been replaced by soft ones that are 30 times more shock-absorbent on impact, cushioning the jumper. Falls into the net of the Springfree are also safe due to an innovative safety enclosure made of flexible net rods that gently rebounds the jumper onto the mat surface. The convincing safety concept of the Springfree Medium Oval Trampoline is complemented by a new appearance for this type of sports device. With its oval shape it offers plenty of jumping surface, with garden space to spare, and boasting a modern appearance, it integrates into almost any garden décor.

发布 2020-10-29 来源 https://www.red-dot.org


Dr. Keith Alexander, Christchurch, New Zealand





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