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Mercedes-AMG GT


A special challenge in the design of automobiles is to continuously find an appropriate form for innovative concepts of motorisation. The Mercedes-AMG GT is designed with proportions that give the car a strong, expressive character and skilfully reflect its technical potential. A visual unity of positively arched surfaces, a dome-shaped arched roof line and frameless doors lend this sports car a sculptural appeal. Its broad shoulders and narrow tail light graphics create an emotional overall appearance. This impression is continued in the interior in a highly consistent way, embodying an equally high degree of emotion and sensual purity. The purist design, which clearly visualises the advanced technology of the instruments, perfectly matches the high-grade materials. The sport seats and steering wheel also create an elegant, appealing impression. The driver experiences precision and a surrounding where every detail has been carefully considered. A maxim that is also echoed in the AMG Drive Unit controls: arranged like eight cylinders in a V-layout, they emphasise the powerful and high-tech impression of the centre console. The combination of boldly sculpted surfaces and flowing lines turn the Mercedes into a sports car that successfully realises its objective of creating a fusion of beauty and intelligence.

发布 2020-10-29 来源 https://www.red-dot.org


Daimler AG, Germany





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