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This conceptual Home Assistant encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle


Now if a Google Home or an Apple HomePod could give me inputs on how to stay healthy, by collating my information and giving me tips on how to live a better life, I’d definitely consider it. If a home assistant could tell me if my sleeping patterns needed improvement, or that my diet could use some tweaking, or perhaps some outdoor time for my heart-rate, that’s what I’d really value in a home assistant. The Home Assist tries to be that guardian. Designed as a conceptual device by Rik Oudenhoven, the Home Assist is a completely re-imagined device. Designed to do more than just connect you to internet-based services that collect data and generate revenue, the Home Assist allows you to live a better life… aside from listening to music! It collates data from all your devices, allowing the Home Assist to map out your lifestyle, from your activity, to nutrition, to sleeping patterns. It then uses this data to give you advice on how to live better, from something as simple as sitting correctly or sleeping correctly, to more complex changes like suggesting dietary preferences. In short, it focuses its data collection around the overall wellbeing of its user… while respecting privacy! The Home Assist, aside from protecting your data, gives you the ability to mute the Home Assistant whenever you want, making sure it doesn’t collect further data on you until you choose for it to do so! (The Home Assist is a conceptual product and bears no connection to the any brand.) Designer:

发布 2019-11-18 来源 https://www.yankodesign.com


Rik Oudenhoven




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