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Eco-friendly design alternatives of everyday products that help you save the planet


UN chief  António Guterres recently stated, ‘The report by the world’s leading climate scientists is an ear-splitting wake-up call to the world. It confirms that climate change is running faster than we are – and we are running out of time.’ With climate change, global warming, and its implications being highlighted every day, we all want to play a part in helping save our planet. But the question that comes up often is, how can I, as an individual, help save the planet? Well, with small changes in our daily life, is our answer! As a designer, we have the dual responsibility of using as well as creating products that have a more holistic view, that consider the product from its inception to its treatment once their usage is over. Our curated content today shares eco-friendly products that you can replace in your everyday life, making your lifestyle more planet-friendly and inspire you to innovate products that don’t end up in a landfill.

发布 2019-11-18 来源 https://www.yankodesign.com




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