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Great wheels, baby!


I’ve always been an ardent admirer of Chicco’s designs. They’re beautifully designed in a way that not only attracts children, but also the parents who buy them for the children. The Chicco Ride On is a scooter of sorts designed for kids between the ages of 1 and 4. That’s a tough category, mind you. Kids grow fast, and their interests change too. Ride On is designed to adapt to those changes. The toy bike can be used as a foot powered scooter, and also as a walker. Pull out the handle at the back and the parents can use the Ride On to push/wheel their tots around. Ride On comes with a removable seat,that once unfixed, makes it a scooter. The handlebars can be raised to accommodate a standing child. The most adorable and fun part is using Ride On in bounce mode. Flip the wheels to have their hubs facing the ground, and the Ride On becomes your tiny one’s very own bouncing toy! I have to admit, but it makes me a little jealous of kids aged 1-4! The Ride On was an entry for the Chicco Rideo On Baby contest organized by Chicco in collaboration with Desall. The entry also won the Red Dot Award for the year 2015. Designer: Ernesto Rosales Ramírez for Chicco + Desall.

发布 2019-02-27 来源 https://www.yankodesign.com


Ernesto Rosales Ramírez for Chicco + Desall.




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