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The World’s First 3D-Printed Wheelchair


Up until now, the problem with wheelchair designs has been their one-size-fits all approach to patient needs. GO is an innovative wheelchair design that addresses this problem with the latest 3D printing technology. Like a fine pair of tailor-made shoes, GO is custom fitted to each user’s unique biometrics and functional preferences. No matter the individual’s body shape, weight, and disability, both the seat and foot-plate are independently sized to maximize comfort, flexibility and support. Better yet, as the user changes, so can the sections! A primary concern of users was the strain in self-propelling. To address this, the GO wheelchair has super tactile push rims with a surface designed to lock into the included GO wheelchair glove system that delivers greater power-to-push ratio. This unique system – the first of its kind – decreases the risk of injury and painful conditions common to wheelchair users, such as arthritis in the shoulders. Designer: from on .

发布 2019-02-27 来源 https://www.yankodesign.com


Layer Design




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