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Woody 1 Log Holder


Minimalist simplicity , Solidity , Functionality . The aim was to offset the defects or disadvantages inherant in wood . Firewood is generally dirty and so can not be left in contact with the ground . It is also heavy and requires outdoor/indoor mobility . The first problem in choosing the circular form of Woody 1 was how to raise it off the ground while assuring its stability . Adding feet to the structure was rejected so as to maintain the clean transparancy of the design. The solution for Woody 1 was found in placing a right angle within the circle . In the case of Woody 3 the solution was found in an inverted heart form . Steel wire is , contrary to perception , a very light material . Woody 1 weighs 3Kg. and so allows wood to be carried around easily . Wind tunnel tests also assure these products of high aerodynamic ratings , the fastest log holders around . As log stoves become more common in contemporary settings these holders are proposed in galvanised steel but also in black, white or pink laquer to highlight the surrounding environment .

发布 2018-12-25 来源 https://competition.adesignaward.com


Kilian O'Sullivan





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